In This Issue
Front Page
What's Happening
Food For Thought
In The Spotlight
Lay News
Youth News
Community Forum
Laugh Track
Gospel Jukebox
You are listening to "Jesus Be A Fence" by Fred Hammond. This Gospel Jukebox selection courtesy of Gospel2Motown.
NOTE: If you have an interesting tidbit that you beleive Praise might be interested in, please submit info to our editor via email or contact Bro. Mike Catledge after worship services. |
Food For Thought |
The Monthly Word
Each month Praise features words of inspiration authored by either our spiritual advisor, Minister Constance Gold, or a guest evangelist whom we invite to impart to you, our readers, reflections on God's promise and the goodness of His love. We hope that you will garner some comfort in these passages and certainly encourage feedback regarding the inherant message of the piece. This month, we've asked Pastor Bell to pen a few words of religious enlightenment.
Click here to read August's Word.
(Image:Words of Wisdom by Melinda Byers. For more info please visit The Wilson Brown Gallery) |
The Imani Corner
Imani, to those of you who might not already be aware, is Kiswahili for "Faith". In this corner we encourage you the reader to submit your offerings of faith--whether it be a testimonial, or a poem, or anything you feel will convey to our readers the depth and sincerity of your faith in God's word or any other spiritual message you would like to convey. This month, Praise has invited insprirational novelist Sis. Cynthia Flowers to submit an entry. Entitled Grief after Rejection, it is a personal reflection detailing the writers experience caring for her ailing father.
To read Sis. Flower's submission, please click here now.
Ask Pastor Bell
Your troubles wearing you down? Something on your mind and you need to lift that weight off your shoulders? Well, what are you waiting for, take your troubles to the Lord and ask Pastor Bell! Just click email and send a message directly to the Pastor. Don't worry, all messages sent in this fashion are for his eyes only. Pastor Bell will then contact you as soon as it is possible. Remember, you are NEVER alone. God Bless