November2000 (Volume: 1, Issue: 7) Thanksgiving Edition Contents Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved.
In The Pulpit

Bishop John H. Adams
(Click for more info)

This month, In The Pulpit honors Bishop John Hurst Adams, presiding prelate of the Eleventh District (Florida). To our great pleasure, Bishop Adams will be on hand as we celebrate the ceremonial burning of the mortgage on the church on Sundat, November 26. The Bishop has only just recently been appointed over the Eleventh District at the most recent Gerneral Session held in Cincinatti last July. He and our new Episcopal Supervisor, Dr. Dolly Desselle Adams, comes our way via the Seventh District (South Carolina) and we are most gladdened by their arrival. Click the link above to read more on the Bishop, his dynamic wife, and their family. Please see What's Happening! for more info on the Mortgage Burning.

In This Issue

What's Happening!
Food For Thought
In The Spotlight
Lay News
Youth News
In The Community
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"Come, Ye Thankful People Come!

God our maker doth provide! Greetings readers to this our seventh edition of Praise--the Flipper Chapel Newsletter Online! As the staff gears up for the next half of this our inaugural volume (2000-2001), we would certainly be amiss if we didn't express our heartfelt gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the many blessings this auxiliary has experienced since Praise first went online back in May! The unqualified support our staff has received from the Flipper Chapel Family and our online associates has also been most heartening and only serves to burgeon our commitment to be informative, uplifting and entertaining in our endeavor to bring you current on the greatness that is Flipper Chapel AME Church. It seems very appropriate that we have reached the halfway mark in the month of November--the time when we all should be preparing ourselves to give thanks unto Him for all that we possess and extend kindness to those whose burdens are greater than our own! And Flipper has much to be grateful for, assuredly. This month, praise the Lord, we shall finally witness our long-awaited Mortgage Burning Ceremony where we'll be truly blessed by the attendance of our Presiding Prelate, Bishop John Hurst Adams, for that auspicious occasion. Second Sunday, the day we reserve each month to highlight our vibrant youth, the Board of Christian Education will present "Orange & Green Day"--honoring the many Christian mentors and leaders neighboring Florida A&M University has provided for the surrounding community. November is also the month when our beloved pastor, Rev. Melvin Bell, celebrates his "ah-you'd-better-ask-him-that" birthday! To mark this milestone, the Pastor's Aid Board is hosting a fete in his honor on the 22nd. It goes without saying that the entire Flipper Chapel Family sincerely hopes that, as you and yours come together for Thanksgiving Day, you will keep yourselves safe and steadfast in His service. Well, as we oft say, thank you for your continued fellowship and support and, of course, if you live in or plan to visit our beautiful city of Tallahassee, don't forget to stop by and help us sing His praises for--at the "Little Church in the Bond Community Where Everybody is Somebody Special!"--you are always most certainly welcome.

We Come Prepared

FlipperitesWhew! The days of preparation are nearly over. We Flipperites have truly been burning the midnight oil in our ongoing efforts to be certain that all of our ministries, boards, organizations, and auxiliaries are fully prepared and well organized to face the coming 2000-2001 Conference Year with pure hearts, clear heads, and renewed commitment. With the passing into history of last month's Quarterly and Church conferences, as well as numerous organizational meetings held by most of our church bodies, Flipper's new Stewards and various officers, directors, delegates, and other officials are now in their proper place and, more importantly, the 2000-2001 Official Budget has been reviewed, debated and modified accordingly by the congregation as a whole and adopted, with some alterations withstanding. Clearing away the dust we most certainly kicked up by all these machinations, we Flipperites can truly say, as we look forward to His many blessings in the coming year, that we have come prepared!

The Monthly Passage

"Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Epheseans 5:20)

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Pastor: Rev. Melvin Bell
Bro. Michael Catledge
Asst. Editor: Sis. Diann Jones
Spr. Advisor: Sis. Constance Gold
Contributors: Bro. Jerome Fitz, Sis. LauWanda Fitz, and Bro. Marcus Boston

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