In This Issue

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What's Happening
Food For Thought
In The Spotlight
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Youth News
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If you know of someone whom you would like to see profiled in Praise, please submit your suggestions to our editor via email or contact Bro. Mike Catledge after worship services. Deadline for your submissions will be the 3rd Sunday of each month.

In The Spotlight
Member Profile: Dr. Genyne H. Boston

TheBostonsGenyne Henry Boston is the daughter of Isadora Henry and George Henry of South Carolina and Tallahassee respectfully. She attended school in Tallahassee, graduating from Godby High School in 1987. Soon after graduation, she enrolled at Florida State University were she comleted her B.S., M.S. and most recently, her Ph.D. degrees in the area of African American Literature. She is currently employed as an English Professor at Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Fl. For the past four years, Dr. Boston has been married to fellow Flipperite Bro. Marcus D. Boston, Jr., they having united in 1996. Her hobbies include: reading, crafts, sewing, and creative writing. Along with other duties she performs for the church, Genyne is an active participant of the Usher Board. Her favorite movies are all of the Shaft episodes. Her favorite TV series is, without a doubt, The Andy Griffin Show. Genyne, a devoted, spiritual, and humble wife, is currently two weeks away from experiencing one of God's greatest birth to a child. Congratulations Genyne and Marcus, our prayers, well-wishes, and joy will be with you always!

Youth Profile: Kenneth R. Brown

KennyBrownKenneth Brown, better known as "Kenny" to family and friends, is a bright and inquisitive 10 year old who loves to hang out with his cousins and participate in the YPD and Flipper's Step Team. He is also a member of Choir #3. Kenny is the eldest son of Hubert and Gina Brown and has a younger brother, David. The Brown Family has a long history of attendance at Flipper, indeed, several members enjoy membership elsewhere but still maintain a prominent presence within the church. Kenny has always enjoyed school and has attended Metropolitan Christian Acadamy of the Arts (MCAA) since pre-k--except for the third and fourth grades which he spent at Astoria Park Elemetary School. Kenny's hard work and God given talent enabled him to pass the necessary test to skip the second grade and to be placed in the gifted program while at Astoria Park. Kenny has also played baseball with the Tigers in the City of Tallhasee's Cub League for the past two seasons. Like most young men Kenny's age, he loves video games, at which he has developed as a pretty skillful player! God Bless you Kenny and keep on spreading that youthful joy!