Sis. Adams and.. enjoy their food as the speaker addresses those gathered for the Prayer Breakfast. |
"Come to the Feast Prepared." The buffet table looks quite inviting as the Kitchen Committee awaits the attendees. |
Hanging on every word, guest listen to the speaker, Sis. Jennifer Johnson-Donald, during the breakfast. |
Pastor Bell shares a laugh with other attendees following the address as Sis. Adams looks on. |
Pastor Bell pays attention as Nelda Parker and Linda Tolkmitt give advice on debt recovery. |
Workshop participants get advice on Family Spirituality and Single-Parenting by Sandra Duhart. |
Sis. Chenell Lee and Mrs. Greta Campbell chuckle as they enjoy the "How to Get A Christian Man" seminar. Should Mr Campbell be worried? |
Min. Freeman smiles as she's educates her sisters on Christian dating. |
Husband and wife team...give advice on financial management. |
Sis. carrie Herring takes a break from kitchen duty to chat with young friends |
Sis. Patricia...and others seem engrossed while this toddler could be doing other things. |
Sis. Shenezia Rivers appears ready to bolt as Von Knight, R.N. takes her blood pressure. |
Acolyte Miss Jerion Fitz carefully heads toward the pulpit to help light the candles at the start of Sunday's worship service. |
Representing the future of womanhood these two precious lil' ones make their way back to their parents after children's hour. |
Flipper's kids gather at the altar to hear the Word delivered by Sis. Genyne Boston. |