The Votes Are In!
On Monday, September 18 approximately thirty parishioners of Flipper Chapel gathered for the last Church Conference of 1999-2000 and cast their ballots for five candidates running for a seat on Flipper Chapel's four-member Trustee Board. Congratulations go out to Sis. Rosa Rosier and Bros. Claude Brown, Melvin Herring, and Eddie Randall who were duly elected to serve as trustees for the 2000-2001 Conference Year. Recognition goes out as well to Sis. Chenell Lee (left) and Bro. Michael Catledge who were chosen as Flipper's delegate and alternate delegate respectively to the 136th Session of the Florida Annual Conference. Following the elections, those in attendance were given a detailed informative report of the major points of discussion at the 135th Florida Conference held back in August by last year's delegate, Sis. Julie Catledge. Other business discussed at the gathering included the availability of several real estate and other investment prospects for the church and its membership; the scheduling of a 'Clean-Up' Day to make minor aesthetic improvements to the church edifice and adjacent properties; and the earmarking of certain monies to the Building Fund following an upcoming real estate transaction. Pastor Bell also updated those gathered on his quest to see Flipper take full advantage of certain available grants in order to further the church's efforts to expand its computer technology initiatives. The plan may call for the church to be refitted in the near future to accommodate the equipment and wiring necessary so make this endeavor a reality.
Let's Get Ready for the 21st Century!
As you all may well know, the new century doesn't actually begin until we hit 2001. Thus, this month Flipperites will come together at two significant gatherings that will help prepare the church for that most auspicious milestone--the Quarterly Conference, to take place on Monday, October 16 at 7pm; and the first Church Conference of the new year, scheduled on the following Tuesday, October 17 at 7pm as well. Although it should be business as usual at the Quarterly gathering, the Church Conference will be significant in that Pastor Bell has asked all boards and auxiliaries to submit their perspective mission statements and themes for 2000-2001. In addition, the heads of these entities are further asked to submit their upcoming activity dates for the year to the Church Secretary, Sis. Margaret Ward, so that the church calendar can be prepared and distributed as soon as possible. We certainly hope that all Flipperites will come out to both events so that Flipper Chapel will be well properly prepared to meet the new Century head on with renewed spirit, vigor, and dedication.