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Front Page The Monthly Passage
"He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the thrid day rise again" The Imani Offering This month, for our Imani Offering, we have a special treat--a rivoting true-life account entitled "How We Overcame" by our very own Dr. C.W. Armstrong. This reflection of faith and perserverance details the often harrowing events experienced by our beloved "Uncle Charles" and his devoted wife, Flipperite-born-and-bred Sis. Ruth Bradley Armstrong, during their residence overseas in war-torn Liberia between December,1989 and June,1991. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the piece as it is certainly by God's great mercy that the Armstrongs were delivered out of considerable danger into our presence today.
The Monthly Word: On Luke 24:1-10
by Sis. Laura Adams Prayer #1:"Lord of all life, we appeal to your Spirit of truth and ask your guidance in all that we do and say. We need your spirit to comfort and guide us, and to enable us to do your work in the world. We especially pray for those we now silently name. In Jesus name we
pray. Amen
Prayer #2:Lord, we confess that we are not always obedient to the leading of your spirit. Lord, we confess and are sorry. Lord, we confess that it is often easier to close our eyes and ears than to stand up and speak out. Lord, we confess and are sorry. Lord, we want to be peacemakers for you, Lord show us how to do just that. Help us O'God to go forth from this
place as obedient spirit-filled people who will speak and act for you. Amen.
This month let's pray for each other and all the crosses we all bear together. And remember that Jesus took all of our burdens to bear with him as he hung there on Calvary for all of our sakes.
God bless us one and all,
Sis. Laura Adams
| Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross
NOTE: The 'Inner Sanctum Beautification Project' is presently spearheaded by the Board of Chistian Education.