In This Issue

Front Page
What's Happening
Food For Thought
In The Spotlight
Lay News
Youth News
In The Community
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Laugh Track

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Imani Offering

The Trip

November's Imani, or Faith, offering comes to our readers via lifelong Flipperite Sis. Silvia Livingston, an aspiring writer of inspirational children's literature. Entitled, The Trip it tells of how God will indeed answer your prayers, but not always in the way you invision. If you find some comfort in her wrods, please do not hesitate to contact Sis. Livingston via email and leave your comments. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Gospel Track

You are listening to "My Father Was/Is" sung by Fred Hammond and Radical For Christ courtesy of Gospel2Motown.

Food For Thought
The Monthly Word
by Pastor Bell


The new Church Year is barely two weeks old and already we have had two Church School Board meetings. One for organization and the other for the monthly lesson review. The meetings have been energetic, well organized and purposefully lead. The Pastor’s appointment of Sister Lucy Pride, as the Church school Superintendent is an excellent choice. She has ideas, determination, willingness and she is of a mind-set to make the remainder of the Church School year the brightest jewel in Flipper Chapel’s crown of glory.

The roster of teachers is impressive. No one person will have to carry all the load. Each age level has been supplied with three or more teachers and each class will have an ample supply of equipment and materials. Nothing has been left to chance, Sister Pride is a planner and motivator.

With all of this planning and motivation, 9:30 Sunday morning promises to be the perfect jump-start for a victorious week for the whole family. Questions answered, lively discussions, the perfect time “to come together and study God’s Word”.

Come to Sunday School, bring friends, bring family. As Paul said to Timothy: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Timothy 2:15). Your attendance and participation will strengthen your faith and increase your understanding of the will and nature of God our Father. Your attendance will also help the Church School leaders identify and plan for the type of classes that will be best suited for your spiritual needs.

Come to Sunday School. Greet the friends you know and make new friends of those you did not know.

Come to Sunday School. Be in place for the Praise Worship at the beginning of the Eleven o’clock hour.

Come to Sunday School. Be ready to fully experience the worship service and hear the Preached Word.

Poetic Inspiration: A Moment of Prayer
by R. Prince Patton

RevNealyGiven the current upsurge of the inspirational literature genre, we think it appropriate to expose our readers to all wonderful forms one might receive His blessings. One such form is that of inspirational poetry. Thus, we venture to inspire you poetically through the words of a truly gifted poet, R.Prince Patton (left), of Dayton , Ohio. Bro. Patton has known hardship and, through prayer, has weathered his storms knowing He never fails. His offering A Moment of Prayer (click to read) exemplifies the poet's belief in the power of His blessings. We hope you enjoy Bro. Patton's words and find some comfort in his contemplative musings.

Pastoral History: "A Soft-Spoken Shephard"
Rev. Julius H. Elmore

RevElmoreEach month Praise likes to take a brief look back and revist some of Flipper's former pastors whose contributions to the success of our church should never be forgotten. This month we honor Rev. J.H. Elmore (left) who served as pastor of Flipper from 1961 to 1964. As his tenure occured nearly forty years ago, not much is remembered of Rev. Elmore's exact contributions to the success of our churh, though no doubt he lead the church in a capable and dutiful manner. It is recalled, however, that Rev. Elmore was a soft-spoken shephard which seems appropriate as his pastorship did coincide with a very turbulant period in American history--the early 1960s. No doubt Rev. Elmore's quiet reserve brought stability to the congrgation during what was assuredly difficult times. Nevertheless, despite the lack of detail on his attributes, Rev. Elmore's service to Flipper will always be upheld with respect and due reverence.