December2000 (Volume: 1, Issue: 8) Christmas Edition Contents Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved.
In The Pulpit

Rev. William Lamar
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This month, In The Pulpit honors Rev. William Lamar, pastor of St. Philip AME Church (Monticello). Relatively new to the ministry, he having been called to service in 1994, Rev. Lamar nevertheless has deep-seeded roots in the AME Church and a reputation of diligent, insightful and enterprising service in the Tallahassee area. We certainly wish this month's honoree all happiness and the many blessings of our Heavenly Father as Rev. Lamar, in his own words, continually "…develops in Christian Ministry." Not surprisingly, Pastor Bell will be officiating in our Pulpit for much of the month at hand as we Flipperites come together to celebrate the Holiday Season.

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Joy To The World!TheEditor

The Lord Hath Come! Holiday Greetings to our readers. Beginning the First Sunday of December we at Flipper have been commemorating the season of Advent, that time in our biblical history and spiritual growth that we as Christians prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In recent tradition, the congregation marks this occasion by the lighting of special candles representing symbolic attributes of the season (faith, hope, love, and joy) each Sunday of Advent, culminating on 24th of December--Christmas Eve. We at Praise certainly look forward to the coming weeks as our humble church readies itself as a whole both spiritually and bodily to reassert our commitment to honor the teachings and life-lessons of the Messiah. Flipperites will most assuredly have occasion to witness the wonder born of the Blessed Nativity during the upcoming Christmas Play, performed by our dedicated youth, later this month. December is also the month in which the church will once again gather in conference to discuss pertinent business at hand. In this time of giving, the staff at Praise hopes that, as our readers gather together to celebrate all the many blessings our Heavenly Father has bestowed on yourselves and those near and dear, that you also take time to remember those whom are in need. Give of yourself so that others might also share His wondrous blessings and goodwill. Well, as we oft say, thank you for your continued fellowship and support and, of course, if you live in or plan to visit our beautiful city of Tallahassee, don't forget to stop by and help us sing His praises for--at the "Little Church in the Bond Community Where Everybody is Somebody Special!"--you are always most certainly welcome.

Michael W. Catledge

The Monthly Passage

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests" (Luke 2:14)

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Pastor: Rev. Melvin Bell
Bro. Michael Catledge
Asst. Editor: Sis. Diann Jones
Spr. Advisor: Sis. Constance Gold
Contributors: Bro. Jerome Fitz, Sis. LauWanda Fitz, and Bro. Marcus Boston

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